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Amazake gift set to wish for the daily health of your loved ones
A gift set of Kuni Kiku Amazake, which is popular and has a reputation for its taste. The row of red and white is also recommended for celebrations.
Amazake with a mild sweetness and smooth throat
Kokugiku Amazake is a non-alcoholic, sugar-free amazake made with only rice and rice malt. It is characterized by its natural sweetness and smooth texture.
Amazake with a pleasant texture of black rice and a smooth sweetness
Kokugiku Kuromai Amazake is an amazake made from 10% black rice, which has come in handy for celebrations, sekihan, and ohagi in Japan. It is characterized by the texture of black rice and the smooth sweetness.
[Manufacturer] "Shinozaki", Asakura City, Fukuoka Prefecture
A long-established brewery founded in the late Edo period in Asakura City, Fukuoka Prefecture. As with sake brewing, we are particular about making amazake. The first commitment is rice. Instead of so-called scrap rice, we use domestic rice carefully selected from multiple production areas. The second thing we are particular about is the presence of amazake specialist craftsmen and facility management. We strive to improve our skills every day with our craftsmen to maintain high quality.
Asakura City, Fukuoka Prefecture, blessed by Mt. Aso and the Chikugo River
Mr. Shinozaki earnestly works on amazake making every day with an uncompromising commitment to making "sweet and umami sweet sake that is clear and has no off-flavours."
Asakura City, Fukuoka Prefecture, where Mr. Shinozaki is located, is a place rich in nature where shochu barley, grapes, strawberries, and peaches are grown, and the water is clean. The Chikugo River, which originates from Mt. Aso, flows through the area, and the area is rich in water. Mr. Shinozaki, who has been brewing sake since the Edo period, attaches great importance to water.
Commitment to rice
Amazake-making rice uses food rice, not rice for processing. Only high-quality rice is selected by color sorting over and over again, and it is made using only the selected rice. "There is no manufacturer who is so particular about rice for amazake." It's a compliment. Amazake is a drink that directly reflects the quality of the rice that is the raw material. Mr. Shinozaki never compromises on the quality of his rice.
Commitment to koji making
Koji making is essential for rice koji amazake. Mr. Shinozaki arrived at making "beautiful koji". This is because if you can't make a solid koji and bring in extra bacteria, it will cause an unpleasant taste and odor.
For this reason, it was decided to borrow the power of machines to make koji for amazake, which used to be hand-made by craftsmen. Humans can inevitably introduce bacteria into the manufacturing process. We borrowed the power of machines and started by improving the sanitary environment. And of course, it is not enough to just install machines, but manufacturers with expertise in brewing work together with machines based on their accumulated knowledge and experience in amazake production.
Finally, Mr. Shinozaki has obtained HACCP certification for both amazake production and filling departments. No "excuse for quality". We are constantly striving to improve the quality of amazake by raising the standards of the factory and the awareness of our employees to a higher level.
Thorough quality control
Every morning, before packing the amazake, Shinozaki-san conducts inspections to ensure that it satisfies the company's standards for pH, acidity, amino acids, sucrose content, and more. Anything that does not meet this standard will not go into the bottling process. In addition, even after bottling, the product may not be shipped for several days, during which time the number of viable bacteria may be tested, and shipment may be stopped.
"Quality country chrysanthemum amazake". In order to meet the expectations of our customers, Mr. Shinozaki conducts such quality control thoroughly.

Staff Recommendations <br>Kunikiku amazake, the classic amazake packed with the umami of rice malt, can be enhanced by adding ginger to your liking.
Black rice amazake has a bright reddish color of black rice, large grains that you can see just by looking at it, and a crunchy texture when you bite into it.
About the product
- Internal capacity
- 985g×2
- raw materials
- rice koji, rice
- Allergens contained in this product
- none
- expiry date
- 1 year from date of manufacture at room temperature
- Preservation method
- Store in a cool, dry place out of the sun.
- gift box size
- About 18 x 32 x 8 cm
- Paper bag (sold separately)
MURO carrier bag medium size
*If you need a paper bag, please purchase it separately.
taste chart
- type
- straight type
- [National Chrysanthemum Amazake]
- sweetness
- ★★☆☆☆ (Moderately sweet)
- acidity
- ☆☆☆☆☆ (none)
- Granularity
- ★★★☆☆ (medium amount)
- [National chrysanthemum black rice amazake]
- sweetness
- ★★★☆☆ (a little sweet)
- acidity
- ☆☆☆☆☆ (none)
- Granularity
- ★★★★☆ (Bubble large amount)
About the manufacturer
- manufacturer
- Shinozaki, Asakura City, Fukuoka Prefecture
- Warehouse
- sake brewery
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