What is Resistant Protein (RP)?

Amazake Specialty Store Explains Resistant Protein (RP)

At MURO, we proudly recommend that you incorporate fermented foods, mainly amazake, into your daily life according to the scene, under the slogan of "expanding fermentation, colorful life".
“Resistant protein (RP)” is the most important nutritional ingredient that can be expected to be effective for health and beauty. This time, we would like to introduce a component that is in the spotlight as a protein that has a function similar to dietary fiber that helps improve the intestinal environment.

Professor Kenji Ozeki, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, a specialist leading the development of fermentation technology

Professor at Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Faculty of Biotechnology and Chemistry, Doctor of Agriculture, Researcher at Genome Biotechnology Research Institute.
A leading expert in the development of fermentation technology, who has identified that the resistant protein (RP) contained in amazake is effective in improving the intestinal environment.
One of the co-developers of MURO's original ultimate amazake, "A amasake".

What is the indigestible protein resistant protein (RP) that is attracting attention?

  • difficult to be broken down and absorbed in the intestine,
    rare protein

    When you hear the word protein, you may be familiar with supplement foods that are popular with athletes and dieters, but it refers to protein. By prefixing it with "resistant", it literally translates to a protein that "resists" or "resists".
    General proteins are broken down into amino acids by digestive enzymes in the body and absorbed, but resistant proteins (RP) are proteins that are difficult to digest and refuse to be digested in the body.
    Therefore, it has been found that it can stay in the body for a long time, so it works well when it is discharged from the body.

Rare protein derived from amazake

Resistant protein (RP) is an indigestible protein that is difficult to digest and absorb in the intestine .

The function of resistant protein (RP) , which has the function of adjusting the intestinal environment

  • lower cholesterol in a healthy way

    Resistant protein (RP) is a protein that is difficult to digest in the intestines, so it has the function of absorbing excess lipids and oils remaining in the intestines and excreting them out of the body. In particular, it has been reported that LDL [Low Density Lipoprotein] (bad) cholesterol, which causes arteriosclerosis and is a risk factor for myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction, can be expected to suppress lifestyle-related diseases such as obesity.

Rare protein derived from amazake

Resistant protein (RP) has the effect of lowering cholesterol levels, so it can be expected to prevent lifestyle-related diseases .

  • ① [Good bacteria] Activation of butyric acid-producing bacteria

    It has been reported that one of the good bacteria, "butyric acid-producing bacteria", was 12.9% before drinking, but increased by about 2% to 14.9% after drinking.
    Along with lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria, "butyric acid-producing bacteria" are attracting attention as good bacteria that suppress the growth of bad bacteria.
    Because it lives in the large intestine, activation plays an important role in preventing obesity and improving immune function.
    By revitalizing butyric acid-producing bacteria, the intestinal flora is adjusted, and lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria become more active.
    Usually, there are pickles, shiitake mushrooms, burdock, konnyaku, etc. to be taken from meals, but if it is difficult to take it every day, drinking a cup of amazake with a high RP content will increase the activity of butyric acid-producing bacteria. can be expected to

  • ② [Good bacteria] Activation of Faecalibacterium bacteria

    Another good bacterium, the genus Fecalibacterium, was 6.9% before drinking, but after drinking it was reported to be 8.2%, an increase of about 1.3%.
    "Faecalibacterium genus" is known as a representative bacterium of "butyric acid-producing bacteria".
    It is said to be one of the longevity bacteria, mainly responsible for immune function.
    Most of it is absorbed when it reaches the small intestine, and when the resistant protein (RP), which is difficult to decompose, reaches the large intestine, it activates the genus Faecalibacterium and regulates the intestinal flora. Become.

Foods containing resistant protein (RP) , an ingredient that can be expected to stimulate intestinal activity

It is known that resistant protein (RP), which is a component of attention, is contained in buckwheat, soybeans, rice, etc.
Since it can be taken from familiar foods, it can be easily incorporated into daily life.

  • Malted rice
  • sake lees
  • Soba
  • miso
  • Koya-tofu

It's great to see that resistant protein (RP) is a featured nutritional ingredient and beneficial to our health.
Ren MURO's original "A amasake" contains six times as much resistant protein (RP) as amazake on the market.
Professor Ozeki, who is also a leading expert in fermented foods, teamed up with professionals who are familiar with amazake, and after 6 years of planning, the 5-star amazake "ultimate rice koji amazake" was born.
It is a signature product of MURO with many repeat customers. Please try it once♪

Resistant protein is 6 times that of commercially available amazake! A masake

The "ultimate rice koji amazake" Amasake was created after 6 years in collaboration with professionals who are familiar with amazake.
It contains 6 times more "resistant protein" (RP) than commercially available amazake, making it a 5-star amazake recommended for health and beauty. Please give it a try!

The Ultimate Rice Koji Amazake

    • A masake
Our original five-star rice koji amazake
A masake