Snack x Amazake

Amazake recommended for snacks,
I prepared it!

Why amazake is recommended as a snack

Amazake, which does not contain sugar but still has a strong sweetness, is recommended as a guilt-free healthy snack. By taking it in the afternoon and evening, when you are more likely to feel fatigued, it will nourish your brain and body.
We have collected plain amazake that you can enjoy fruit amazake and arrangements.

If you drink it as a snack, we recommend an arrangement using fruits

Recommended points from a registered dietitian

One cup is the perfect amount of nutrients to take when you feel tired or hungry (150ml contains about 122kcal). Drinking in the afternoon or evening, when you are most likely to get tired during the day, will help reduce fatigue.

There are many ways to enjoy it♪

  • Latte style with milk!
  • with yogurt and fruit

Other scenes
There is a recommended amazake