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An easy-to-drink amazake with a rich and refreshing sweetness. It is a set of 2 for gifts, put in a special box.
The pure white color of amazake is the first thing that catches your eye. The brewing philosophy of "purity, righteousness, sake brewing" is reflected in the beauty and taste.
Although it has a strong sweetness, it has a refreshing and gorgeous taste. You should be able to understand the deliciousness just by putting it in your mouth. This is a book that I would like you to try once. Recommended as a gift.
Double concentrated type that can be enjoyed in many ways
Although it is a double concentrated type, it has a refreshing sweetness so you can enjoy it straight.
It is recommended that you dilute it with hot water or water as you like. First, try "Amazake: Water = 1: 0.5" and adjust the amount of hot water or water according to your favorite taste.
You can enjoy it both in summer and winter because the rich taste is not lost even if it is chilled or warmed. Combined with fruit vinegar, it has a mellow texture.
[Manufacturer] Imanishi Sake Brewery in Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture
It is the only brewery remaining in Miwa, Nara, which is said to be the birthplace of sake.
Miwa is a place with a deep history of sake, with a climate of extreme temperature differences at the foot of the mountain, the underground water of Mt. Miwa, which is said to be the water of the gods.
With the concept of "drinking Miwa", we strive to make sake that expresses the history and culture of "Miwa", the land where the god of sake rests, and the climate (water and rice) that is produced there.

Staff Recommendations <br>A special taste that spreads in your mouth with a pleasant texture.
Amazake is easy to drink even for beginners. Recommended for a special day or as a reward for yourself.
About the product
- Internal capacity
- 720ml x 2
- raw materials
- Rice (domestic rice), rice malt, water (underflow water from Mt. Miwa)
- Allergens contained in this product
- none
- expiry date
- 120 days from the date of manufacture at room temperature
- gift box size
- About 18 x 32 x 8 cm
- Preservation method
- Store in a cool, dry place out of the sun.
taste chart
- type
- Double concentrated type
- sweetness
- ★★★★☆ (very sweet)
- acidity
- ☆☆☆☆☆ (none)
- Granularity
- ★★☆☆☆ (small amount)
About the manufacturer
- manufacturer
- Imanishi Sake Brewery, Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture
- Rice variety
- domestic rice
- Water
- Mt. Miwa underground water
- Warehouse
- sake brewery
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