[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set
[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set

gift of rice[For gifts/free shipping] Kagurazaka sweet sake and 100% rice flour Karin gift set

7 レビュー
Regular price¥3,240
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  • A delicious, healthy gift made from rice carefully selected by MURO.

    Amazake made only from rice and koji, and Karinto made from 100% rice flour are all natural foods.
    Amazake, which has a very gentle sweetness from naturally derived koji, and the flavor of crispy rice crackers and rice crackers are a perfect match.
    Because we want people who are always busy to spend a relaxing time. With the feeling of "thank you".

2 types set

  • Kagurazaka Amazake Plain 900ml

    It is an old-fashioned amazake made only with rice and rice malt, without using any sugar or additives, using delicious water and rice from Saiki City, Oita Prefecture.
  • Karin and 100 rice 3 types x 1 bag each

    Karinto made by a professional rice farmer who has been growing rice for decades. Instead of using wheat flour, it is fried with rice flour, which has a low oil absorption rate, so it has a light finish.
  • Recommended points of rice koji amazake

    MURO's original amazake made with rice and rice koji. The gentle sweetness and aroma of koji malt spreads in your mouth, creating an elegant taste. Since it is non-alcoholic and non-sugar, it can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

  • Enjoy how to drink

    You can enjoy the refreshing taste with no bitterness, not only straight, but also with milk, soy milk, and fruit vinegar. It goes well with both Japanese and Western food, so you can drink it anytime, such as with breakfast, as a snack, or before bedtime.

  • Excellent compatibility with Japanese sweets

    The karinto that comes with the set has an exquisite texture that is neither too hard nor too soft. The sweetness is also moderate, so it goes well with amazake, which gently spreads sweetness in your mouth. It's a perfect set for relaxing time when you want to take a break.

  • Gluten-free karinto made with rice

    The karinto made with rice flour is low in calories and sugar compared to regular karinto, and has a light finish. You can enjoy the flavor of rice crackers such as rice crackers and okaki.

3 variations

  • brown sugar

    Fried with 100% Shonai rice flour and rice bran oil, and seasoned with brown sugar from the Nansei Islands, this is a masterpiece with a simple taste.
  • Shonai green soybean flour

    Shonai-grown green soybean flour with the finest aroma and taste. A lot of blue soybean flour is a new kind of karinto.
  • Shonai vegetables

    The umami of local Shonai region vegetables is confined. 4 types of paprika, burdock, onion, and spinach.
  • Recommended points of Karin and Hyakumai

    ① Gluten-free with no wheat flour Karin to Hyakumai is a gluten-free Karinto made with rice that is completely free of flour. ② Rice oil for frying Since the oil absorption rate of rice flour is lower than that of wheat flour, it has a light finish with less calories and sugar compared to common karinto. ③100% Yamagata rice The rice flour used is 100% milled from our own rice (specially cultivated rice from Shonai Town, Yamagata Prefecture).

  • Kagurazaka amazake [manufacturer] Saiki City, Oita Prefecture Kame no Kou Co., Ltd. (Bungo Meijo Co., Ltd.)

    Kagurazaka Amazake is our original.
    It is made by Kamenoko Co., Ltd., a sweet sake specialty factory of Bungo Meijo Co., Ltd., a long-established sake brewery in Saiki City, Oita Prefecture.
    We carry out thorough quality and hygiene management so that you can enjoy delicious and safe food.

  • Karin and 100 rice [manufacturer] Yamagata prefecture rice cyst Shonai

    Rice cyst Shonai grows rice for myself and my family. It is the feeling of delivering rice to the world that our children and friends will eat and be happy. Enjoy karinto made with the aim of being gluten-free, using only local rice and ingredients.

Staff Recommendation <br>Amazake and karinto are perfect for snack time or relaxing time after meals, and are sure to please your guests.

  • About the product

    Internal capacity
    [Kagurazaka Amazake Plain] 900ml x 1
    [Karin and 100 rice (brown sugar, Shonai green soybean flour)] 88g x 1 each
    [Karin and 100 rice (Shonai vegetables)] 75g x 1, 3 bags in total
    raw materials
    [Kagurazaka amazake plain] Rice (domestic) Rice malt (domestic)
    [Karin and 100 rice (brown sugar)] Rice (produced in Shonai Town, Yamagata Prefecture), processed brown sugar, rice bran oil, starch, baking powder, processed starch
    [Karin to 100 rice (Shonai blue soybean flour)] Rice (produced in Shonai Town, Yamagata Prefecture), brown sugar, rice bran oil, green soybean flour (including green soybeans, produced in Yamagata Prefecture), starch, baking powder, modified starch
    [Karin and 100 rice (Shonai vegetables)] Rice (produced in Shonai Town, Yamagata Prefecture), raw sugar cane sugar, burdock root, onion, spinach, paprika, brown sugar, rice bran oil, starch, baking powder, modified starch
    Allergens contained in this product
    expiry date
    [Kagurazaka Amazake Plain] 12 months from the production date at room temperature
    [Karin and 100 rice] 180 days from the date of manufacture at room temperature
    gift box size
    About 18 x 32 x 8 cm
    Preservation method
    [Kagurazaka Amazake Plain] Store in a cool place out of the sun.
    [Karin and 100 rice] Avoid direct sunlight, high temperature and humidity, and store at room temperature.
  • taste chart

    [Kagurazaka amazake plain]
    straight type
    ★★★☆☆ (a little sweet)
    ☆☆☆☆☆ (none)
    ★★★☆☆ (medium amount)

About the manufacturer








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