Improving skin quality with amazake habit | Ren MURO, a specialty store of rice koji and amazake [official mail order]

Hello, this is Suzuki from Ren MURO Kagurazaka.
It's a season where it's completely cool and the air is easy to spend.
At the same time, many people are starting to worry about dry skin.

I drink amazake every day and my skin troubles have decreased, but this is the first time I'm facing a dry season while living a life of amazake.

Therefore, I am concerned about changes in my skin, but I have high hopes that if my skin quality has improved now, I may be able to overcome it.

It's been half a year since I started drinking amazake. Until then, my breakouts were triggered by my eating habits and stress.

However, in the last six months, it has decreased considerably, and I feel that even if I have a breakout, it heals quickly.
Also, I am happy that my skin tone has improved.

Amazake Improves skin quality

One of the effects of amazake is its skin beautifying effect.
Some of our customers buy amazake to improve rough skin for themselves or their families.

The balance of the intestinal environment is closely related to the skin.

Therefore, improving the intestinal environment and increasing the number of good bacteria is the basis for beautiful skin.
Amazake, which has an intestinal function, plays an active role here.
Amazake contains nutrients such as B vitamins, folic acid, and biotin, as well as amino acids, kojic acid, and other ingredients derived from rice malt.

☑Increase skin moisture
Amino acids are the ingredients that make the skin moist.
About half of the natural moisturizing factor, which contains water in the stratum corneum and plays a role in maintaining moisture, is made of this amino acid.
Amazake contains not only nine essential amino acids, but also many amino acids, so drinking it every day can replenish the skin's moisturizing ingredients.

☑ Whitening effect
The toji, who makes sake, is famous for his beautiful white hands.
It is "kojic acid" contained in koji that brings about this.
Kojic acid has the effect of suppressing the production of melanin, which causes spots and dullness, and is also used in cosmetics as a whitening ingredient.
Since amazake contains this kojic acid, it can be expected to have a whitening effect.

☑ Skin metabolism UP
Amazake is rich in B vitamins, which are said to be vitamins for beautiful skin.
Vitamin B complex promotes skin metabolism and normalizes turnover.
If the metabolism of the skin increases, the breakouts that have been formed will heal faster, and the vitamin B group is an essential nutrient for keeping the skin healthy.

Amazake Mixed Grains Amazake Hot Amazake

There are many attractive cosmetics in the world, and many of them have wonderful effects.
Care from the outside is of course important.

However, if you are worried that rough skin does not improve even after using various cosmetics, or you want to improve your skin quality, care from the inside may be a shortcut to improve your skin quality.

Blueberry Amazake Amazake Smoothie

Amazake can simultaneously improve the intestinal environment, which is the key to beautiful skin, and supply nutrients such as vitamin B group and kojic acid.

There are also many fruit sweet sake that contain vitamin C and vitamin E, which are said to be good for preventing aging of the skin.

The staff will suggest amazake that suits your concerns and preferences.
Let's make your intestines and skin beautiful with a cup of amazake a day.

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Author: Store staff/administrative dietitian After graduating from university, engaged in nutrition management and nutrition guidance at a hospital for about 5 years.
After that, he worked as a nutrition teacher at a high school and a university.
After coming to Kanto due to my husband's job transfer, I am working as an exclusive registered dietitian at a store specializing in amazake.
I am maintaining remission of my ulcerative colitis with my daily amazake life.

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  • 米麹・甘酒専門店 MURO神楽坂

    MURO(むろ)は、麹を製造する神聖な場所「麹室(こうじむろ)」が名前の由来です。「KOJIを通じて、人々の健康や豊かな食に貢献する」をコンセプトにしたKOJI FOODS(麹を使った食品・調味料)やKOJI DRINK(甘酒)のブランドです。
    店舗には管理栄養士や発酵食品ソムリエなど、甘酒好き、甘酒通のスタッフが体質やお好みを伺って お客様に合うような甘酒の種類や飲み方を提案しております。
    沢山のこだわりの甘酒の中から、ぜひお気に入りの一本、お気に入りの作り手さんに出会って 日々の体と心の健康にお役立ていただけますと幸いです。