Starting with koji amazake Recommendations for intestinal activity|Ren MURO of rice koji and amazake specialty store [official mail order]

What is intestinal activity?
Intestinal activity is to trim the intestinal environment.
The intestine is the organ that digests food, absorbs nutrients, and removes waste products.
What is "intestinal flora"?
The intestinal flora is a collection of hundreds of types of over 600 trillion bacteria in the human intestine. It is said that the name was given because it looks like a flower garden (British: flora) through a microscope.
A balance between good and bad bacteria is important to maintain a healthy body!
By increasing the good bacteria in the intestines, the intestinal flora is in order, making it easier to lead to daily health.
However, it does not mean that more good bacteria are better.
The bacteria balance of a healthy person is said to be "good bacteria: bad bacteria: opportunistic bacteria (Hiyori Mikin) = 2:1:7".
Opportunistic bacteria (Hiyori mikin) are bacteria that are docile when healthy, but adversely affect the intestines when the body is weakened.
About the intestinal regulation effect of koji amazake
The intestinal flora can be adjusted by a well-balanced diet. I think it's very hard to live with a meal balance that trims the intestinal environment.
To help you with that, we recommend the easy and delicious “Koji Amazake”! Koji amazake is a non-alcoholic, non-sugar drink that is gentle on the body and rich in nutrients.
[Effect: Part 1] For prevention of colds and flu. Immunity UP!
It is said that there are about 1000 types of bacteria in the intestines, and more than 100 trillion.
And it seems that 6 % of immune cells exist in this intestine.
It is a very important organ in the body.
The intestinal regulation effect of koji amazake is attracting attention not only for colds, but also for preventing infectious diseases such as influenza by adjusting the intestinal environment. Koji amazake, also known as a “drinking drip”, has been a delicious natural nutritional drink in the past.
How about including it in your daily diet?
[Effect: Part 2] Adjusts the intestinal environment. Improvement of constipation
Koji amazake, a fermented food, contains a lot of dietary fiber. I think there are many people who suffer from constipation on a daily basis. This dietary fiber helps digestion and absorption, and has the power to properly discharge waste products and intestinal food out of the body.
It is also recommended to eat plain yogurt with koji amazake and eat it instead of breakfast.
[Effect: Part 3] Prevents overeating. It can also be used in cooking as a substitute for sugar.
The dietary fiber contained in koji amazake not only excretes waste products in the intestines, but also helps suppress the absorption of excess sugar and lipids.
Koji amazake contains more than 20% glucose, which can be quickly absorbed into the body as a fast-acting energy source. Glucose raises blood sugar levels when ingested, so even a small amount can suppress hunger.
In addition, the natural sweetness of koji amazake, which does not use sugar, is great for snacking when you want to eat something sweet. It can also be used as a substitute for sugar in cooking, so if you incorporate koji amazake into your life well, such as making sweets, the range of uses will expand.
~Summary: Koji amazake is recommended for intestinal activity~
① Drink amazake every day for 2 weeks (14 days)! (Estimated daily intake 150ml~200ml)
It is very important to continue drinking little by little every day to create a healthy body. The recommended time to drink is in the morning.
② Let's use koji amazake for cooking and making sweets instead of sugar!
Just change the sugar you usually use to koji amazake. It can be used not only for Japanese food, but also for various dishes, such as the secret ingredient of tamagoyaki.
Noren MURO Kagurazaka
Address: 1-12-6 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0825
Phone number: 03-5579-2910
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